Many of us worked our rear ends of to get rid of Right Wing Neocon Congress Woman Anne Northup and replace her with John Yarmuth,
a progressive Democrat. Now the Obama administration is rewarding our
efforts by appointing her to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. It
seems the Obama administration would rather listen to Senator Mitch
McConnell than the folks that got Anne Northup kicked out of office.
The Courier Journal
will pull up a chair Wednesday in Room 253 of the Russell Senate Office
Building and tell the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation
Committee about her hopes for her new job as a member of the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission, should she be confirmed.
It was McConnell who wrote to the Obama administration, recommending Northup for the post.
The agency is governed by three Democrats and two Republicans, there
was a Republican opening to be picked by the Senate GOP leader, and
McConnell saw his chance — and Northup's.
We were unable at week's
end to determine whether the Senate committee intends to vote on
Northup before Congress leaves Washington for its summer recess Friday.
But panel spokeswoman Jena Longo pointed out that the money for
Northup's post kicks in on Aug. 14 — a week after lawmakers head for
the hills.
Liz Hitchcock of U.S. PIRG seemed to be pleased about this even though she wasn't familiar with Anne Northup. Really Liz!
The Courier Journal
Liz Hitchcock, public health advocate for the consumer group U.S. PIRG, said she was not familiar with Northup but was pleased that the administration will soon have a full and expanded commission.
worked on the bipartisan legislation enacted by Congress last year that
enlarged the commission to five members, from three, and gave it new
“We are optimistic that the new commission will take that
responsibility and really use it to its fullest to protect American
consumers,” she said.
Liz Hitchcock your credibility and the credibility of U.S. PIRG no longer exist as far as I'm concerned!
For those that think Anne Northup is good for this job, take the time to look at her record.
Contact the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and let them know how you feel.
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